Why temperature based testing is woefully inadequate for COvid 19 screeningIn a lot of places around the world, malls, apartments, workspaces etc have implemented no-contact temperature screening to deny entry to…Jul 8, 2020Jul 8, 2020
How to name your company“I have an idea for an app / business, but I can’t figure out a good name for it. It’s been weeks and we’re stuck.”Jan 7, 2020Jan 7, 2020
Students: Start looking for your passionStudents, you need to start looking for your passion. You need to start looking for what clicks for you. Yes, some people will have it all…Mar 26, 2017Mar 26, 2017
Replicating MeteorJS publications in Socket.ioOne of the most useful features of Meteor is the pub-sub mechanism, and it reduces developer friction quite a bit. Until you hit scale…Jan 6, 2017Jan 6, 2017
User uptime status trackingI have been working on a chat system as of late, and one of the most important features a chat platform could have is tracking the online…Jan 5, 2017Jan 5, 2017